How to Spot and Report Unauthorized Transactions on Your Atome Card

by Atome

Sep 16 2024

Did you know that card fraud is rampant in the Philippines? This isn’t meant to scare you; instead, understanding that fact should help you better understand what it means to be a responsible Atome Card user. One key occurrence to look out for is unauthorized transactions.

According to TransUnion, the Philippines experienced 8.7% of all digital fraud attempts globally. Unauthorized transactions are one of the many signs that your card information may have been compromised. It’s a stressful scenario if that happens. The good news is that you can take action about it.

Become a more proactive and responsible Atome Card user, especially while shopping online, by reading the tips below.

What are Unauthorized Transactions?

Unauthorized transactions are purchases or charges made to your Atome Card without your permission. These happen when someone gains access to your card details through illegal means, such as stealing your card information, phishing, or scamming.

Unauthorized transactions, especially small ones, tend to fly under one’s radar. That’s why it’s crucial to monitor your transaction history regularly. These can happen to anyone. When you know how to identify them early, you can safeguard your account and finances better.

How to Spot Unauthorized Transactions on Your Atome Card

The key to protecting yourself from unauthorized transactions is to know what to look for and develop the habits that prevent these occurrences. Follow these points to help you better recognize and spot unauthorized transactions on your Atome Card quicker.

Regularly check your Atome Card transaction history

You won’t notice suspicious changes in your balance if you don’t monitor it regularly. The Atome app makes it easy to keep track of your recent purchases. Look out for any charges that seem unfamiliar or unexpected, even if they are small amounts. Unauthorized transactions often start with small test purchases before escalating to larger amounts.

Make it a habit to log into your account frequently and review all recent transactions. By doing so, you can catch suspicious activities early and take action before further damage is done.

Look for unusual spending patterns

If you notice multiple small transactions from the same merchant, purchases from locations you’ve never been to, or sudden spikes in spending, these could be signs that your card details have been compromised.

Additionally, any transactions occurring at odd hours or involving merchants you don’t recognize should be reviewed immediately. Keeping an eye on your account for these patterns can help you catch fraudulent activity before it worsens.

Enable transaction notifications

As much as you might want to monitor your account at all times, you can’t expect to be staring at the app for the entire day. You have work to do and people to meet.

This feature sends you real-time alerts every time your Atome Card is used. It’s a quick and effective way to ensure you’re immediately aware of all transactions on your account.

If you ever receive a notification about a purchase you didn’t authorize, it’s your first signal to investigate further. Quick action at this stage can help you prevent additional unauthorized transactions.

4 Urgent Things to Do When You See Unauthorized Transactions on Your Atome Card

In the unfortunate circumstance that you don’t recognize the recent transactions on your Atome Card, you’ll need to act fast. Who knows how much access cybercriminals have to your account. Here are the vitual steps to take if you spot unauthorized transactions or malicious activity on your Atome Card.

1. Freeze your Atome Card

    Once you’ve identified unauthorized transactions, you can temporarily freeze your Atome Card through the app. This prevents any further charges from being made while the issue is under investigation. You can unfreeze your card at any time once the situation has been resolved.

    2. Contact Atome support

      If you notice any unauthorized transactions on your Atome Card, the first step is to contact Atome’s customer support team through

      Make sure to provide details about the suspicious transaction, including the date, amount, and merchant involved. The sooner you report it, the faster Atome can investigate and take action to protect your account.

      3. Monitor your account

        After reporting unauthorized transactions, it’s essential to continue monitoring your Atome Card for any additional suspicious activity. Keep an eye on your transaction history and re-enable transaction notifications if you have them turned off. If you notice any other unusual charges, report them immediately to prevent further damage.

        4. Change your password

          In the case of a breach or unauthorized use of your card, it’s wise to change your Atome account password as an extra layer of security. Make sure to create a strong, unique password to reduce the risk of future incidents. You can also enable two-factor authentication (2FA) if available, for added account protection.

          Keeping an Eye on Your Atome Card

          Staying vigilant about your Atome Card transactions is key to preventing and addressing unauthorized activity. When you review your transaction history often, enable real-time alerts, and learn to recognize unusual spending patterns, you can better protect yourself against unauthorized transactions and potential fraud.

          If you do encounter unauthorized transactions, follow the steps outlined in this guide—contact Atome support, freeze your card, file a dispute, and monitor your account. These actions help protect your financial security and ensure that any suspicious activity is handled swiftly.

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